Emotional Intelligence


Emotional Intelligence


Emotional Intelligence is not a subject that schools in Singapore or elsewhere generally include in their curriculum. One wonders why.

What does it mean to be emotionally intelligent?

Simply, it means the ability of a person to understand and cope with his or her feelings. It also requires the person to be able to read the feelings of others and relate to them in an appropriate way in their different emotional state: happy or sad, bored or excited, engaged or disinterested. Generally, the emotional intelligent person thrives in all sorts of different environments.

Why is it important to be emotionally intelligent?

There is evidence to suggest that those who are emotionally intelligent tend to have a more positive self-image, and are able to get on better with others. These factors are important in empowering the individuals to pursue their respective life goals and lifestyle.

In January 2018, EnglishiExcel has created exhilarating online tutorials to engage our students on the theme of 'Emotional Intelligence' in both the Foundation module for primary students and Intermediate module for secondary students.

Below is a snippet of what our online students have learned. Watch us on YouTube and join us for a free online tutorial to share this empowering journey of learning and self-cultivation.

What are the 7 signs of Emotional Intelligence?

One: You are extremely driven: driven to change the world for the better and able to look for opportunities to do so and to solve problems that obstruct

Two: You are very empathetic and optimistic: able to understand how other people feel, sympathise with them, to look on the bright side of things and to look for solutions to problems

Three: You are aware of your strengths and weaknesses: able to look at yourself clearly and recognize what you are good or bad at, willing to improve and work on your weaknesses, and feel confident despite these weaknesses

Four: You can handle change like a champion: happy to cope with inconveniences and discomforts in different situations, able to adapt and make the best of the new environments, and not afraid of taking on the unknown future

Five: You are able to balance work and fun: able to work hard and have fun at the same time, able to meet deadlines as well as relax and enjoy after studying or working

Six: You are endlessly fascinated: love to seek new experiences and learn new things, open to new ways of looking at things and learn new skills

Seven: You know no one is perfect: able to accept personal flaws and the shortcomings of others and go with the flow, able to do the right thing for themselves and others, and continue to minimize their imperfections

So are you or is your child emotionally intelligent? How many signs do you or your child exhibit? Leave your thoughts in the comments box below. We provide more in-depth materials to our subscribers. So go to www.englishiexcel.com and sign up as our subscriber. We love to hear from you and share with you the amazing insights and contributions co-created by our team of learners.

We have included a 2-minute video on Emotional Intelligence for you and your children to engage and apply.


Empowering all to excel

Dr Rosalind & Ms Hazel