Recommendation Bonus

You get a credit of $20 towards your own registration fee when a friend of yours registers for a paid subscription through your recommendation. (*Your name must be submitted in the original Registration when your friend registers.)


1. When can I enrol for a course?

You can enrol anytime using the online registration form.

2. Who can register for the Foundation course? 

The Foundation courses are meant basically for those who are need a firmer foundation or at the lower Primary Levels. We will advise you on the most appropriate level the student should enrol in.  

3. Who can register for the Intermediate course?

The Intermediate Level courses are meant for those with a higher competence in English and preparing to take the higher Primary or lower Secondary level examinations in both Express and Normal streams.

4. Who can register for the Advanced  & MasterClass courses?

The Advanced course is meant for students to improve their language proficiency from the Upper Secondary (with high proficiency) to the pre-university level. All secondary students from the Normal, Express & International Baccalaureate stream can register.  

5. Can I have a refund once I have started the course?

No, there will be no refunds once you have started the course.

6. Can I do a make-up tutorial if I miss the last one?

We suggest that you attend every tutorial that you have been enrol. In extenuating circumstances, we do allow students to do make up lessons but you have to wait for the iModule to be repeated so that you can join in the tutorial that you missed.

7. Must I hand in my online assignments on time?

Yes, otherwise your assignments won't be marked and your progress would be negatively impacted.

8. Can my parents, siblings or friends join in the tutorials?

The tutorials are meant only for the registered students.

9. Will my parent (or I) get a Progress Report at the end of the course?

Yes, a Progress Report will be emailed.